e. Call-up another Search Criteria Window (binoculars's icon) to locate that other item, when finished return to where you started. Searching is accomplished without modifying the source documents. Most hypertext viewers require that document file be pre-programmed manually to establish hypertext l
inks. Legal Searcher accomplishes the same effect by using multiple searches to make the hypertext associations, thereby eliminating the need for preprocessing.
Title: - ~Net/Download Manager - Shareware hardisk searcher for related ideas.
URI: http://www.freenet.ufl.edu/~tree/net.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: - Reinvest - an easy to use general purpose real estate calculator.
Author-Handle: tree@afn.org
Description: Now measures the effect of a Flat Tax. In an uncertain economic climate, real estate provides a tax shelter as well as a hedge against the decline of the dollar. Reinvest is designed to measure these effects and enable the investor/home buyer to appraise real estate from different pers
pectives so as to make intelligent investment decisions. Configure Reinvest for the average property is your area, the general economic climate, available financing, and your tax considerations. Enter one piece of information about a specific property, and Reinvest will construct, finance and displ
ay a statistical picture of what you get for your money - all on the same display. As you supply specific information, Reinvest will instantly recalculate and redisplay accordingly. Measure risk by a graph. Use the financial calculator to structure debt service. Information may be reviewed and chan
ged at will. Everything appears on the screen as it occurs, thereby eliminating guesswork. Reinvest is a powerful tool, freeing the investor from tedious calculations, allowing him or her to instantly recognize underlying value that might not be apparent to the unsophisticated purchaser.
Keywords: Flat Tax, Forbes, Real Estate, Appraisal, Asset, Property Value, Property Tax, Tax, shareware, software, David Gray
Title: - Reinvest - an easy to use general purpose real estate calculator.
URI: http://www.afn.org/~tree/reinvest.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: - The Best Kept Secret in America
Author-Handle: tree@afn.org
Description: The Devaluation of Real Estate Across America by Act of Congress - When the bundle of rights called Real Estate, expands, property becomes more valuable and correspondingly when the bundle shrinks property values decline. A shrinkage happened in 1987. The United States Congress removed
30 provisions from the Federal Income Tax Law that relate to Real Estate. The bundle shrank. Property values declined in America over the next 7 years . Generally speaking the poorest neighborhoods experienced the greatest decline. Because property declined in value. Property owners walked away fr
om their property. The property reverted to the lenders, i.e... the Saving and Loans, Banks, Insurance Companies and Pension Funds. The lenders in turn collapsed and the property reverted to the United States Government, i.e. the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) where it was resold for $.45 on th
e dollar. By 1989 the RTC was the second largest corporation in America and the great savings account of America, home equity, evaporated.
Keywords: Real Estate, 1986 Tax Act, I.R.S., IRS, I.R.S., Internal Revenue Service, Government, Congress, Bob Dole, Senate, USA, Theft, House of Representatives, Senate, Tax, Law, Legal, Whitewater, David Gray
ALIWEB-Title: - David Gray says Rush and the Gang Got-it Wrong - The Best Kept Secret in America
Author-Handle: tree@afn.org
Description: The Devaluation of Real Estate Across America by Act of Congress - When the bundle of rights called Real Estate, expands, property becomes more valuable and correspondingly when the bundle shrinks property values decline. A shrinkage happened in 1987. The United States Congress removed
30 provisions from the Federal Income Tax Law that relate to Real Estate. The bundle shrank. Property values declined in America over the next 7 years . Generally speaking the poorest neighborhoods experienced the greatest decline. Because property declined in value. Property owners walked away fr
om their property. The property reverted to the lenders. The lenders in turn collapsed and the property reverted to the United States Government, i.e. the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) where it was resold for $.45 on the dollar. By 1989 the RTC was the second largest corporation in America and
the great savings account of America, home equity, evaporated.
Keywords: Rush Limbaugh, Limbaugh, Real Estate, 1986 Tax Act, I.R.S., IRS, I.R.S., Internal Revenue Service, Government, Congress, Bob Dole, Senate, USA, Theft, House of Representatives, Senate, Tax, Law, Legal, Whitewater, David Gray
Title: - David Gray says Rush and the Gang Got-it Wrong - The Best Kept Secret in America
ALIWEB-Title: - Local Property Tax Appraisal Methodology Flawed
Author-Handle: tree@afn.org
Description: Local Tax Departments partition the bundle of rights, called Real Estate, into two components, the improvement and that which is left over, called the land residual. The underlying assumption here is that total value of the bundle is equal to sum of its parts. This partitioning arrange
ment does not work well, because many of the component rights are mutially exclusive.
Keywords: Property, Property Tax, Property Taxes, Real Estate, Appraisal, Value, Land, Lot, Land Value, Asset, Property Value, Tax, State Government, Local Government, David Gray
Title: - Local Property Tax Appraisal Methodology Flawed
ALIWEB-Title: - I.R.S. Use of Local Property Appraisals Flawed
Author-Handle: tree@afn.org
Description: I.R.S. auditors (glorified bookkeepers) often perform Real Estate appraisals. They obtain recent land/improvements ratios to total value, from the local Property Tax Authority. These land/improvement ratios are then used to extrapolate a value for the improvement at purchase, thereby r
evising the depreciation schedule and recking many years of tax returns. There are two flaws to this method. Land to building ratios change over time as market conditions change and in the mass appraisal process the Property Taxing Authority does not value your house, per se, but instead uses a sta
tistical equivalent of your home to estimate its value. So any ratios based upon this method are suspect.
Keywords: Property, Property Tax, Property Taxes, Real Estate, Appraisal, Value, Land, Lot, Land Value, Asset, Property Value, Tax, IRS, I.R.S., Internal Revenue Service, State Government, Local Government, David Gray
Title: - I.R.S. Use of Local Property Appraisals Flawed
Description: Visual Thought is the multipurpose UNIX diagramming and flowcharting tool that has won stellar reviews from journals like SunExpert and Advanced Systems.
Description: Vanguard Technology Group is a multimedia production company located in Winona, Minnesota, USA. Complete media services including in-house or on-site audio and video production, graphic design, online services including WWW development, software and CD-ROM development, technology cons
ulting for education, technology seminars, and arts residencies.
Keywords: Vanguard Technology Group, VTG, CD-ROM, Online Services, Audio, Video, Graphics, WWW, World Wide Web, Technology Consulting, Arts Residencies, Internet Presence, Computers in Music, Technology in Education Seminars, K-12, Secondary Education
Title: Vanguard Technology Group
URI: http://www.vtg.org/
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Uncommon Connections
Author-Handle: miller@vtg.org
Description: A collection of merchants offering unique products and unusual gifts in a very attractive, secure, easy-to-use interface.
Description: Office accessories with technological style and an environmental conscience. Reused/recycled/reclaimed printed circuit boards made into daily planners, clipboard, binders, memo books, key rings, clocks, etc. Make great gifts!
Description: The world's greatest personal checks. Grateful Dead, Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, the Scream, vultures, roadkill, skulls -- all on the most unique personalized checks you've ever seen! Free three-line message over signature area. Make great gifts!
Description: The beauty and majesty of the North Woods on sportswear, sweaters, and in unique gifts. A portion of selected purchases benefit organizations supporting the preservation of the loon and the timberwolf, two symbols of unspoiled wilderness.
Description: Niles, Michigan mixed-media artist Nancy Drew's work dealing with the issues of women, children, survivors of abuse, and those in need of healing interpretted onto t-shirts and other clothing, posters, and other items. Original works of fiction and cartoon books from her published com
Description: Bringing you over 30 delicious varities of roasted and flavored coffees, The Coffee Company is your online source of the finest coffee available anywhere. Mouthwatering light roasts such as Sumatra, Bed-n-Breakfast, and Mexican Organic; rich dark roasts including Columbian Supremo, Ta
nzanian Peaberry, and Sulawesi Kalossie -- you won't know where to start! There are also flavored beans such as Apricot Creme, Highlander Grogg, and Pecan Supreme. Our beans are roasted several times a week to guarantee freshness and shipped directly to you. Come visit The Coffee Company online
-- you won't find a better selection of gourmet coffee! A great gift idea!
Description: Foreign language guides to romance and dating. Available now in Spanish in heterosexual and gay versions; coming soon in Italian, Portuguese, French, German, and a seven-language International version. Make great gifts!
Description: Rainforest Health Project (RHP) sends teams of medical and non-medical volunteers into the Peruvian jungle in response to the requests of local villagers for basic medical care. RHP teams teach by example safer waste removal, water supply management, nutrition, medical treatment, and d
ental care. To help finance RHP's ventures, we bring back selected handcrafted art and artifacts purchased from the villagers.
Keywords: peru, rainforest health project, amazon river basin, shipibo pottery, dolphin sculptures, knife sculpture, chambira bags, baskets
Title: Rainforest Health Project
URI: http://www.mps.org/rhp/
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Winona Natonal & Savings Bank
Author-Handle: miller@vtg.org
Description: Winona National & Savings Bank is Winona's one-stop for all consumer and business banking needs. From personal checking and savings to consumer loans to business capitalization and expansion loans, WNSB has been serving the Winona community for over 100 years.
Description: The College Football Hall of Fame site features trivia questions with prizes, polls, voting for Hall of Fame nominees, Hall information, and "Featured Famers".
Keywords: national college football hall of fame, South Bend, Indiana, gridiron, pigskin, locker room, touchdown, trivia, prizes, win, poll, interactive, voting, contest
Title: College Football Hall of Fame
URI: http://collegefootball.org/
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Winona, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Author-Handle: miller@vtg.org
Description: The Winona (Minnesota) Area Chamber of Commerce presents this portrait of beautiful Winona, with its diverse and very stable economic base, high quality of life, extraordinary outdoor activities, outstanding local schools.
Keywords: Winona, Minnesota, outdoors, tourism, business, chamber of commerce, quality of life
Title: Winona, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
URI: http://www.vtg.org/chamber/
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: EMD & Associates, Inc.
Author-Handle: miller@vtg.org
Description: As a leader in the Electronics Manufacturing Services Industry (EMSI), EMD is committed to providing Customers with leading edge technology and quality services. We strive daily to optomize our efficiency and effectiveness in meeting your needs.
Description: Irish Sports Report is the number one source for information on Fighting Irish sports at the University of Notre Dame, including football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and all of the Olympic sports. The online site includes trivia questions with prizes, interactive real-time polling,
and feature articles and photographs from every issue of the publication. Updated almost daily during the football season, several times during the month during other sports seasons. Subscription information and Irish Sports Shop featuring great Notre Dame merchandise are available online.
Description: Over 600 Winona, Minnesota-area businesses listed in easy-to-use alphabetical and categorical presentations, and a keyword search engine to find any particular item.
Description: An off-the-wall collection of images, internet text treasures, and the famous Internet Candy Dish
Keywords: internet gems, internet treasures, pictures, Stonewall 25, March on Washington, Internet Candy Dish, gay, lesbian, bisexual, images, text, humor, Keith Haring, gif, graphics
Title: Rainbow Confusion
URI: http://www.mps.org/~rainbow/
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Vanguard Lite
Author-Handle: miller@vtg.org
Description: So much online fun, it ought to be illegal! The famous Internet Candy Dish, a mystical horoscope reader which can divine your horoscope for any sign, any time, a randow excuse note writer which will give you the perfect excuse for missing anything, and tons more!
Keywords: Internet Candy Dish, zany, madcap, fun, humor, horoscopes, excuses, random, generator, thank you notes, graphics, entertainment, candy hearts
Title: Vanguard Lite
URI: http://www.mps.org/lite/
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Zonpower from Cyberspace guarantees Riches, Romantic Love and a God-Like Mind and Body
Author-Handle: wwwdevnt@terminus.intermind.net
Description: 92-page book in html shows how one man was railroaded into jail by the IRS and a dishonest judge. The book shows how the Golden Helmet will eliminate the IRS
Keywords: Neo-Tech,Zonpower, IRS, taxes, guns and fists, force, bureaucracies, objectivism, chaos, economics, politics, business, philosophy, nonmystical religion, romantic love
Title: Zonpower from Cyberspace guarantees Riches, Romantic Love and a God-Like Mind and Body
URI: http://irs.class-action.com/book/cover1.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: eBORcOM: Megaphone
Author-Handle: eborcom@eborcom.com
Description: Information about eBORcOM's "Megaphone" web page publicity service. This service can get your page into 150+ search engines and Net directories, it is the ONLY way to make sure the world knows about your pages!
Description: This is a service designed for those who want to search for resources about a given subject on the Web. If you want to find something on the Web then this is the way to do it.
Description: This is the web page for the UK Inmagic User Group. Inmagic is a computer software program used in libraries.
Keywords: UK, inmagic, user, group.
Title: UK Inmagic User Group
URI: http://www.eborcom.com/inmagic/
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Computer ESP
Description: Computer ESP is "The Comprehensive, Organized Computer Guide". Quickly and easily find comprehensive, organized, up-to-date information on over 20,000 computer vendors and dealers and their products. You can pre-set some purchasing criteria, such as price, and when it's reached, you ar
e automatically e-mailed.
Title: Computer ESP
URI: http://www.uvision.com/index.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Worldwide Publishing Corp. home page
Description: Worldwide Publishing Corp. publishes The Worldwide Real Estate Guide, The Universe Mall, and designs custom solutions for businesses and organizations wanting a presence on the World Wide Web. The Worldwide Real Estate guide features residential, commercial, and new developments. The U
niverse Mall consists of storefronts, with and apparel and accessories (including a fine jewelry section), an automobile and related area, a health and beauty section and others coming soon.
Keywords: Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate, International Real Estate. Universe Mall- storefronts, businesses, catologs, mpeg video, Great Hitsong Music, and others.
Title: Worldwide Publishing Corp. home page
URI: http://www.worldpub.com.com/pagcnt.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Valore International Finance
Author-Handle: mcmullen@florin.com
Description: A journal of international trade and development
Description: Home page for alumni of the International School of Geneva, Switzerland
Keywords: ecolint
Title: International School Alumni
URI: http://www.florin.com/ecolint/index.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Virtual Lawrence
Author-Handle: jbrewer@idir.net
Description: Information about the city of Lawrence, Kansas. Includes Lawrence Resources, Lawrence Businesses and Lawrence Government. Includes links to the University of Kansas.
Keywords: Lawrence, Kansas, the University of Kansas, Waxman Candles, Liberty Hall
Title: Virtual Lawrence
URI: http://www2.idir.net/www2/idir.net/
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Denny Ladwig's Home Page
Description: Using the Internet for Entertainment, Education, Research, and Business.
ALIWEB-Title: Gifted Comprehensive Resources Index
Author-Handle: user@eskimo.com
Description: Information for gifted students, parents and educators, gifted organizations and links to all known gifted and talented on-line resources.
Keywords: gifted, talented, TAG, GATE, education
Title: Gifted Comprehensive Resources Index
URI: http://www.eskimo.com/~user/kids.html
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Pennsylvania Association Gifted Education
Author-Handle: user@eskimo.com
Description: Information for gifted students, parents and educators, regarding gifted education in Pennsylvania (USA)
Description: Chess Informant has been the premier chess periodical in the world for decades. Also available chess books by top-rated Grand Masters. Encyclopedia of Chess Openings. Encyclopedia of Chess Endings. Anthology.